I was just leaving to take the basic baskets when the voice of our volunteer, on the other end of the line, with a beautiful and strong accent, asked Val ... "Pastora, if you have blankets, bring them too, there are families in need!". (We have faced a cold wave these days here in Maringá with the minimum reaching 8 degrees).
We cleaned the warehouse, gathered eight blankets, and took them along with basic baskets that would supply the basic needs of 72 people, including adults and children, all migrants. At dawn, still working, I receive this photo with a word of gratitude. My heart gets tight. Sleep goes away. How to sleep if my brother is sleeping on the floor? using a blanket as a mattress, and still in this cold ...
The next morning we delivered two more mattresses, 4 blankets, and bedding to people who arrived in Brazil looking for refuge and better living conditions. They do not speak our language and because of the pandemic, it is much more difficult to find work. They are extremely vulnerable. Those who welcomed them are newly arrived immigrants as well. There is little, but even this little is shared generously. They teach me a lot about what is essential, what is to share, what is to love, what to serve. The photo that he intended to thank brought, involuntarily, a holy confrontation. Looking at her now with more attention I notice the smile on his brother's face. What a thing, what a powerful and questioning record.
I ask myself:
- Am I grateful for everything I have, for how much I have, to the point of rejoicing, of being content? - In this time of the pandemic, of cuts, unemployment, uncertainty, and economic crisis, have I been "ready" to share, to donate sacrificially? or have I rationalized, retained, and preserved myself?
These are questions that take me to the heart of faith in the crucified Christ who gave himself for me. Before Him, I silence, I bow and plead: I want to be more like you ... Allow me, Lord. Give me more of Your heart, of Your Spirit ... More grace, more strength, more love, more courage, and more resources. May my little brothers never return empty-handed and empty hearts when looking for me.
To you who have been walking with us and sharing the bread, our hug is very grateful. To those who can and want to join forces, THIS IS THE TIME, this is the occasion. May the Eternal bless you all.
